Tuesday, February 5, 2008


This is for you Carrie!!

Tonight we were at my parents house watching updates on Super Tuesday. When Huckaboo (yes, I know that's not his real name) came on the screen Emma walked up to the TV and started growling at him. I only caught the last bit of it but it gives you an idea of how Emma feels about tonights exit polls.


Carrie said...

Thanks Trace! You made my day, despite my bad case of the Romney blues. Give Emma a hug! And, BOO HUCKABEE!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious Traci! I can't believe how big she is and how long her hair has gotten!

Rob, Brooke, Breanna and Ethan said...

She is so stinkin cute! I love the video, thanks for posting it!

Bean said...

How cute! Emma, I feel the same way.